The Department of Fine and Decorative Art and Restoration

The creative biography of the department of fine arts and crafts and restoration of the Institute of Art at the Vasyl Stefanyk  Precarpathian National University begins in 1981.

The Department of Fine Arts was opened at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.  It was founded and headed by the famous Honored Artist of Ukraine, art critic and teacher, Professor Mikhail Figol. In 1999 the department was reorganized into the Department of Fine Arts and Design. In 2005 a separate department of fine arts was created, which from the first days is headed by the candidate of art studies Ph.D., Professor Bogdan Boychuk.

Many years of teaching activity of the creative pedagogical staff of the department are the solid foundation. We have been training specialists in all major types of fine arts for decades. At the department specialists in painting, drawing, sculpture, iconography and restoration of works of art are prepared. Each specialization has its own creative personality, direction and an individual methodology for implementing programs, each of its leaders is a kind of creative personality. The content of the educational process is constantly updated; the latest methods of training specialists are implemented. Individual approach to the education of young artists allows each student to discover his talent in the creative work. The department supports scientific and creative relations with higher art schools and leading museums.